Steering Group Meeting AGENDA: 2:00–4:00 Sunday 14 August 2011
Facilitator: Marie Recorder: Sari
Present: Those present will be underlined on lists below
Visitors: Sean Keller (TB intern)
SG Members: Marie Goodwin, Sari Steuber, Marion Yaglinski, Christine Casullo, Aleisa Myles, Chris Martin, Tam Mengine, Dagmar Holl, Donna Morrow, Pat Salvitti, Teresa Winte, Brendan O’Riordan, Dean Sherwin, Jim Wurster.
Opening Introductions, personal check-ins.
1. Organizational Matters – General Updates:
a. Organizational Structure – Bylaws – Non-profit/501c3 status – George still working with lawyer to finalize the bylaws wording
b. Publicity
i. Facebook – Marie: Marie connecting with other TBs
ii. Newsletter, email listserv: website: Jennifer Pohlhaus to make new TTM website; Sari to talk with her next weekend
a. Timebank Newsletter – Sylvie MacKenzie created & sent out the first one this past week, will come out monthly (possibly more often later)
c. Membership/Networking – Sari: 409 on mailing list, 19 AOL accounts in limbo; will follow-up with them. Practical Energy Solutions interested in Delco taskforce to reduce fuel consumption; TTM invited to speak at Sustainable Energy Conference Oct. 17th (send Jim Wurster info on Princeton & Practical Energy Solutions)
d. Finances – Marie: Total in account: $1426.81, of which $633.42 is TTM & $793.39 is TBM. $592.34 in Paypal to be transferred to TBM account, making: 1385.73 total for TBM.
2. Events Calendar: George & Sari
a. July 26 – What is Transition Town all about? (recap): good audience response, good to see the other TT groups (Philly, Cheltenham, Allentown)
b. August 23 – Summer tomato harvest potluck – Marie
i. Event costs: $200 for each band, $75.00 for Bob Seiple (approx); another $300 for misc. expenses (lemonade stand, printing, etc.) Fundraising (50/50, Lemonade, bake sale; donation box to recoup costs.)
ii. Burlap and Bean; arts and crafts tables (Sari to contact CAC, Marie to ask her contacts, anyone else who knows artists should ask them); book table (Eleanor? double-check with her); Greener Partners as a new community partner, Sean to coordinate crop-mobbing initiative
c. September 27 – Energy Group home energy savings – Dean, may need to change date to get folks to be able to attend or might use another venue, need to promote it specifically to Media to get homeowners interested (Town Talk ad?)
d. October 25 – Re-skilling event with Greener Partners – follow up with Amy Johnson and others, Christine could do fermenting, Marie could do knitting, Jim & Bob Seiple could do rain barrels & solar-powered sprinkler system. Will contact Pat Osimo (WSCC) & CAC
e. November 29 – Local Economy? Marie knows Nick Kasher (BerkShares), Jim knows Paul Glover, should invite Drew Arata & Fair Trade
f. December – no event. Save the date! George & Eleanor going away party will be December 4, Sunday 2-5 pm, open house at Tam’s? Follow-up with Tam.
g. January – Selene’s 2nd annual Eat Local, TTM Strategic Planning workshop
h. TT/TB/Permaculture Training, EcoFest, Concert Event at PIT in April (?) – Edgar Cahn wants to have formal relationship with TTUS (Sari to contact TTUS), Burlap & Bean could organize evening concerts. Deirdre may help organize event.
3. Timebank Group – Marie
a. Update: conference recap, book club, introducing our intern, Edgar Cahn’s wish for official connection with TT USA.
b. Group meets: every other Sunday 5 pm at Marie Goodwin’s – 360 Kirk Lane
4. Food Group: Marion
a. Update: Jim set up a hyperlocavore web site for yard sharing – he says there’s another similar site that he’s evaluating (Meena Raval belongs to it), we may want to do this through TimeBank
b. Group meets: 1st Wed. of the month, Marion’s house
5. Energy Group: Chris, Dean
a. Update: Working on Sept. event, collaborating with, may “merge” with them
b. Group meets: 4th Sundays 2-4 at Dean’s house or for specific meetings.
6. Heart and Soul Group – Christine, Teresa
a. Update: TimeBank initiatives are integral to H&S work; Marion would like a regular group that meets to discuss their feelings about what’s going on (Christine doesn’t feel up to dealing with that kind of group); maybe a book group, maybe a walk through the woods, Joanna Macy activities, drumming, Jim mentioned his Praise Police idea
b. Group meets: on hold for summer
7. Future Groups: Local Economy, Healthcare, Transportation, Water
8. Announcements
a. Working on TT training for 2012 at Pendle Hill
b. TT York is scheduling regional events. Next one is Aug. 20-21st at the New Park Wind & Solar Mill in New Park, PA (just south of York near MD border)
c. Jim brought up Compost Co-op initiative to work with TB
9. Next meeting:
Time = 9/11/2011, 2-4 PM; Place = “Reading Room” in Main House at Pendle Hill
Facilitator = _Dean__ Recorder = _Sari or Eleanor__